Recent Belt Promotions (Elevate Gymnastics class)



Congrats Zeke (Blue) and Brandon (Green)

Congrats to the new green belts!

CONGRATS to the new 3rd Brown and 2nd Brown belts!
THANKS!!! to all of Mr. Yates' students (black, brown and blue belts) who came to help.




CONGRATS to the new Green, Blue, 3rd Brown and 2nd Brown belts!!
Thanks to Mr. Thompson, Adams, Mohkamkar, Burford, and Davis for being on the board, and the other students who came to help.

Congrats to Olivia, Ryan, Daniel, Pinak, Caleb and Bohdan!
THANKS to the brown and black belts that came to help!!

Congrats to Yavar, Yaran, Michael, Aaron and Alya!
THANKS to Mr. Thompson, Mr. Adams and Mr. Bray for helping on the exam!

Congrats to the new Green Belt!  Thanks to Mr. Burford for being on the Exam Board.

Solid new orange belt.  Congratulations!